Product Description
Blue Star's DIY Auto Lens Repair Kit - Made in the USA - Veteran OwnedRed Auto Lens Repair Kit #662
This Red Repair Kit includes:
1 Red Grid Pattern (Textured Surface) Panel
This red panel measures 7.75 inches x 3.75 inches
1. Remove all loose and broken pieces around damaged area. Clean lens around area thoroughly with dry cloth or paper towel.
2. Hold panel over damaged area to determine size of lens repair panel. Position the pane allowing 3/4 inch over lap on all sides of damage.
If size selected needs to be smaller trim along the inner grid lines.
3. Peel backing from panel and center over area to be repaired. Press the panel to the lens and run your fingers around the edges to insure a good bond.
Disclaimer: While every car manufacture uses their own colors, the color may not match 100%, do a test fit to ensure you are satisfied before fixing your light.